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Adjective: drunk (drunker,drunkest)  drúngk
  1. Stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol)
    "a noisy crowd of drunk sailors";
    - intoxicated, inebriated, ripped [informal], gone, inebriate, skunked [informal]
  2. Elated or emboldened as if under the influence of alcohol
    "drunk with excitement";
    - intoxicated
  3. Very drunk
    "I had travelling money and got blind drunk in the bar downstairs";
    - besotted [archaic], blind drunk [informal], blotto [informal], crocked [N. Amer, informal], cockeyed [informal], fuddled [informal], loaded [N. Amer, informal], pie-eyed [informal], pissed [Brit, informal], pixilated [informal], plastered [informal], sloshed [informal], smashed [informal], soaked [informal], soused [informal], sozzled [informal], stiff [informal], tight [informal], wet [informal], lit up [slang], trolleyed [Brit, informal], mullered [Brit, informal], legless [Brit, informal], trollied [Brit, informal], bladdered [Brit, informal], screwed [informal], paralytic [Brit], stonkered [Austral, NZ, informal], fried [N. Amer, informal], swacked [N. Amer, informal], stinko [informal], hammered [informal], trashed [informal], pickled [informal], wasted [informal], stewed [informal], liquored up [N. Amer], tanked up [informal], steaming [informal], juiced [N. Amer, informal], out of it [Brit, informal], blitzed [informal], three sheets to the wind [informal], blootered [UK, dialect], bombed [informal], off one's face [Brit, informal], wrecked [Brit, informal], bevvied [Brit, informal], pixillated, half-seas-over [Brit, informal]
Noun: drunk  drúngk
  1. A person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually
    - alcoholic, alky [informal], dipsomaniac, boozer [informal], lush [N. Amer, informal], soaker [informal], souse [informal], dipso [informal], winebibber [archaic], alkie [informal], tosspot [informal], drunkard, rummy, sot, inebriate, wino [informal]
  2. Someone who is intoxicated
Verb: drink (drank,drunk)  dringk
  1. Take in liquids
    "The children like to drink soda"; "The patient must drink several litres each day";
    - imbibe
  2. Consume alcohol
    "We were up drinking all night";
    - hit the bottle [informal], booze [informal], fuddle
  3. Propose a toast to
    "Let's drink to the New Year";
    - toast, pledge, salute, wassail [archaic]
  4. Be fascinated or spell-bound by; pay close attention to
    "The mother drinks in every word of her son on the stage";
    - drink in
  5. Drink excessive amounts of alcohol; be an alcoholic
    "The husband drinks and beats his wife";
    - tope [archaic]

Derived forms: drunks, drunkest, drunker

See also: bacchanal, bacchanalian, bacchic, beery, bibulous, boozy [informal], carousing, doped, drugged, drunken, excited, geeked, high [informal], hopped-up, mellow [informal], merry [informal], narcotised [Brit], narcotized, orgiastic, sottish, squiffed [informal], squiffy [informal], stoned [informal], tiddly [Brit, informal], tipsy

Type of: absorb, consume, drinker, engross, engulf, fete, fête, have, honor [US], honour [Brit, Cdn], imbiber, immerse, ingest, ingulf [archaic], juicer, plunge, reward, soak [informal], soak up, sponge [informal], squander, steep, take, take in, toper, ware [archaic], waste

Encyclopedia: Drunk, stoned, brilliant, dead

Drink, Drink, Drink