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Adjective: fascinated  'fa-su,ney-tid
  1. Having your attention fixated as though by a spell
    "fascinated by the press release";
    - hypnotized, hypnotised [Brit], mesmerized, mesmerised [Brit], spellbound, spell-bound, transfixed
Verb: fascinate  'fa-su,neyt
  1. Cause to be interested or curious
    - intrigue
  2. To render motionless, as with a fixed stare or by arousing terror or awe
    "The snake charmer fascinates the cobra";
    - transfix, grip, spellbind
  3. Cause rapt attraction or admiration; attract love
    "She fascinated all the men's hearts";
    - capture, enamour [Brit, Cdn], trance, catch, becharm [archaic], enamor [US], captivate, beguile, charm, bewitch, entrance, enchant

See also: enchanted

Type of: appeal, attract, interest, matter to

Encyclopedia: Fascinated
