Adjective: hypnotized 'hip-nu,tIzd
- Having one's attention fixated as though by a spell
"The children were hypnotized by the colourful butterfly fluttering in the garden";
- fascinated, hypnotised [Brit], mesmerized, mesmerised [Brit], spellbound, spell-bound, transfixed
- Induce hypnosis in
"The therapist was able to hypnotize the patient quickly";
- hypnotise [Brit], mesmerize, mesmerise [Brit]
- Maintain the complete attention of (someone), e.g. because they are fascinated
"She hypnotized the audience with her tricks";
- magnetize, mesmerize, mesmerise [Brit], magnetise [Brit], bewitch, spellbind, hypnotise [Brit]
See also: enchanted
Type of: calm, charm, influence, sedate, tempt, tranquilize [N. Amer], tranquillise [Brit], tranquillize
Encyclopedia: Hypnotized