Adjective: complete kum'pleet
- Having every necessary or normal part or component or step
"a complete set of the Britannica"; "a complete set of china"; "a complete defeat"; "a complete accounting"; "a complete meal"; "a complete wardrobe"
- Perfect in every respect; having all necessary qualities
"a complete gentleman";
- consummate
- Having come or been brought to a conclusion
"the harvesting was complete";
- concluded, ended, over, all over, terminated
- Highly skilled
"a complete musician";
- accomplished
- Total or absolute (intensifier, usually emphasizing negative qualities)
"a complete coward";
- arrant, consummate, double-dyed, everlasting, gross, perfect, pure, sodding [Brit, informal], stark, staring, thorough, thoroughgoing, utter, unadulterated, rigorous, total
- Come or bring to an end
"She completed the requirements for her Master's Degree";
- finish
- Bring to a whole, with all the necessary parts or elements
"A child would complete the family"
- Carry out, fulfil
"complete one's duties";
- dispatch, discharge, despatch [Brit]
- Write all the required information onto a form
"complete this questionnaire, please!";
- fill out, fill in, make out
- (football) complete a pass
"The quarterback completed a long pass for a touchdown";
- nail [informal]
Derived forms: completing, completes, completed
See also: absolute, accomplished, all, all-or-none, all-or-nothing, all-out, allover, blank, clean, completed, completeness, comprehensive, dead, downright, down-the-line [informal], entire, exhaustive, finished, full, full-blown, full-bore, full-dress, full-frontal, full-scale, good, hearty, in-depth, out-and-out, perfect, proper, rank, realised [Brit], realized, right-down, self-contained, sheer, skilled, sound, stand-alone, thorough, thoroughgoing, total, unmitigated, utter, whole
Type of: accomplish, action, carry out, carry through, end, execute, fill, fill up, fulfil [Brit, Cdn], fulfill [N. Amer], play, terminate, write
Antonym: incomplete
Encyclopedia: Complete