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Verb: dispatch  di'spach
  1. Send away towards a designated goal
    - despatch [Brit], send off
  2. Carry out, fulfil
    "dispatch one's duties";
    - discharge, complete
  3. Kill intentionally and with premeditation
    "The mafia boss ordered his enemies dispatched";
    - murder, slay [literary], hit, bump off [informal], off [N. Amer, informal], polish off [informal], remove, croak
  4. Dispose of rapidly and without delay and efficiently
    "He dispatched the task he was assigned"
  5. Kill without delay
    "the traitor was dispatched by the conspirators"
Noun: dispatch  di'spach
  1. An official report (usually sent in haste)
    - despatch [Brit], communiqué
  2. The act of sending off something
    - despatch [Brit], shipment
  3. The property of being prompt and efficient
    "it was done with dispatch";
    - despatch [Brit], expedition, expeditiousness
  4. Killing a person or animal
    - despatch [Brit]

Derived forms: dispatched, dispatches, dispatching

See also: send

Type of: accomplish, account, act, action, carry out, carry through, celerity [archaic], departure, execute, fulfil [Brit, Cdn], fulfill [N. Amer], going, going away, kill, killing, leaving, move, news report, putting to death, quickness, rapidity, rapidness, report, send, ship, speediness, story, transport, write up

Encyclopedia: Dispatch, Kansas