Adjective: bombed bómd
Usage: informal
Usage: informal
- Very drunk
"I had travelling money and got bombed in the bar downstairs";
- besotted [archaic], blind drunk [informal], blotto [informal], crocked [N. Amer, informal], cockeyed [informal], fuddled [informal], loaded [N. Amer, informal], pie-eyed [informal], pissed [Brit, informal], pixilated [informal], plastered [informal], sloshed [informal], smashed [informal], soaked [informal], soused [informal], sozzled [informal], stiff [informal], tight [informal], wet [informal], drunk, three sheets to the wind [informal], off one's face [Brit, informal], pickled [informal], stinko [informal], fried [N. Amer, informal], legless [Brit, informal], blootered [UK, dialect], paralytic [Brit, informal], stewed [informal], liquored up [N. Amer], swacked [N. Amer, informal], steaming [informal], trashed [informal], trolleyed [Brit, informal], bladdered [Brit, informal], mullered [Brit, informal], trollied [Brit, informal], tanked up [informal], screwed [informal], lit up [slang], wasted [informal], out of it [Brit, informal], hammered [informal], blitzed [informal], stonkered [Austral, NZ, informal], juiced [N. Amer, informal], wrecked [Brit, informal], bevvied [Brit, informal], pixillated, half-seas-over [Brit, informal]
- Throw bombs at or attack with bombs
"The Americans bombed Dresden";
- bombard
- [informal] Be unsuccessful in a test, get lower than the passing grade
"She studied hard but bombed nevertheless";
- fail, flunk [N. Amer, informal]
- [Brit, informal] Move quickly and violently
"The car bombed down the street";
- tear [informal], shoot, shoot down, charge, buck, scream [informal]
- [informal] Fail badly
"How many contracting businesses will bomb this year?";
- tank [N. Amer, informal], crash and burn [informal]
See also: drunk, gone, inebriate, inebriated, intoxicated, ripped [informal], skunked [informal]
Type of: assail, attack, barrel [informal], belt [informal], belt along [informal], bucket [informal], bucket along [informal], fail, hasten, hie [archaic], hotfoot, hurry, neglect, pelt [informal], pelt along [informal], race, rocket [informal], rush, rush along, speed, step on it [informal], travel rapidly, whizz [informal], whizz along [informal], wing [informal], zip [informal], zoom, zoom along [informal]
Encyclopedia: Bombed
Bomb, Medium Capacity, 22,000 lb