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Noun: salute  su'loot
  1. An act of honour or courteous recognition
    "a musical salute to the composer on his birthday";
    - salutation
  2. (military) a formal military gesture of respect
    - military greeting
  3. An act of greeting with friendly words and gestures like bowing or lifting the hat
Verb: salute  su'loot
  1. Propose a toast to
    "Let us salute the birthday girl!";
    - toast, drink, pledge, wassail [archaic]
  2. Greet in a friendly way
    "I meet this man every day on my way to work and he salutes me"
  3. Express commendation of
    "I salute your courage!"
  4. Become noticeable
    "a terrible stench saluted our nostrils"
  5. Honour with a military ceremony, as when honouring dead soldiers
  6. Recognize with a gesture prescribed by a military regulation; assume a prescribed position
    "When the officers show up, the soldiers have to salute";
    - present

Derived forms: saluted, saluting, salutes

Type of: credit, fete, fĂȘte, greet, greeting, honor [US], honour [Brit, Cdn], praise, recognise [Brit], recognition, recognize, reward, salutation, smell

Encyclopedia: Salute