Adjective: appeasing u'pee-zing
- Intended to pacify by acceding to demands or granting concessions
"the appeasing concessions to the Nazis at Munich"; "appeasing gestures";
- placating, placative, placatory
- Reduce anger or aggression by giving in to demands or making concessions, often with implications of weakness or only a temporary peace
"The government tried to appease the dictator with territorial concessions"
- Cause to be more favourably inclined; gain the good will of
"She managed to appease the angry customer";
- pacify, lenify [archaic], conciliate, assuage, mollify, placate, gentle, gruntle
- Overcome or allay
"appease my hunger";
- quell, stay
See also: conciliative, conciliatory
Type of: calm, calm down, conciliate [archaic], conform to, fill, fit, fulfil [Brit, Cdn], fulfill [N. Amer], lull, make up, meet, patch up, quiet, quieten [Brit], reconcile, satisfy, settle, still, tranquilize [N. Amer], tranquillise [Brit], tranquillize
Encyclopedia: Appeasing