Adjective: angry (angrier,angriest) ang-gree
- Feeling or showing anger
"angry customers"; "an angry silence"; "sending angry letters to the papers"; "angry at the weather";
- cross
- (of the elements) as if showing violent anger
"angry clouds on the horizon";
- furious, raging, tempestuous, wild
- Severely inflamed and painful
"an angry sore"
Derived forms: angriest, angrier
See also: aggravated, angered, apoplectic [informal], black, choleric, enraged, fuming, furious, hopping mad [informal], hot under the collar [informal], huffy, incensed, indignant, infuriated, irascible, irate, ireful [archaic], livid, mad, outraged, procellous [archaic], provoked, ropable [Austral, NZ], ropeable [Austral, NZ], seething, smoldering [N. Amer], smouldering [Brit, Cdn], sore, spare [Brit, informal], steaming [informal], stormy, umbrageous, unhealthy, wrathful, wroth [archaic], wrothful [archaic]
Antonym: unangry
Encyclopedia: Angry, Young and Man