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Verb: overcome (overcame,overcome)  ,ow-vu(r)'kúm
  1. Win a victory over
    "You must overcome all difficulties"; "He overcame his shyness";
    - get the better of, defeat
  2. Get on top of; deal with successfully
    "He overcame his shyness";
    - get over, subdue, surmount, master
  3. Become filled with uncontrollable emotion or too much sensory input
    - overwhelm, overpower, sweep over, overtake
  4. Do better than or defeat, usually through no fault or weakness of the loser
    - get the best, have the best

Derived forms: overcoming, overcomes, overcome, overcame

Type of: arouse, beat, beat out, crush, elicit, enkindle [literary], evoke, fire, kindle, provoke, raise, shell, trounce, vanquish

Encyclopedia: Overcome