Noun: master mã-stu(r)
- An artist of consummate skill
"one of the old masters"; "a master of the violin";
- maestro
- A person who has general authority over others
"The feudal master demanded loyalty from his vassals";
- overlord, lord
- Someone who directs the work of others
"The master of the household managed all the servants"
- An authority qualified to teach apprentices
"The master carpenter took on several apprentices to pass on his craft";
- professional
- Presiding officer of a school
"The master addressed the students at the beginning of the academic year";
- headmaster [Brit], schoolmaster
- Someone who holds a master's degree from academic institution
"She became a master of fine arts after completing her thesis exhibition"
- An officer who is licensed to command a merchant ship
"The sea master navigated through the storm with skill and experience";
- captain, sea captain, skipper
- A combatant who is able to defeat rivals
"He proved himself a master in the martial arts tournament";
- victor, superior
- An original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made
"The studio kept the master copy of the album in a secure vault";
- master copy, original
- A key that opens many locks, typically all the locks in a building
"The superintendent carried a master key for all apartments in the complex";
- passkey, passe-partout, master key
- Be or become completely proficient or skilled in
"She mastered Japanese in less than two years";
- get the hang of
- Have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of
"She had mastered three languages by age twenty";
- control
- Get on top of; deal with successfully
"He mastered his shyness";
- overcome, get over, subdue, surmount
- Have dominance or the power to defeat over
"Her pain completely mastered her"; "The methods can master the problems";
- dominate
Derived forms: masters, mastering, mastered
See also: important, of import
Type of: adult male, artist, authority, battler, beat, beat out, belligerent, bozo [N. Amer, informal], cat [N. Amer, informal], chappie [Brit, informal], combatant, command, control, creation, creative person, crush, employer, fighter, geezer [Brit, informal], guy [informal], head, head teacher [Brit], hombre [N. Amer, informal], key, know, man, officer, principal, ruler, scholar, scholarly person, school principal, scrapper, shell [US], ship's officer, sod [informal], trounce, vanquish
Encyclopedia: Master, Richard