Verb: gain geyn
- Have the benefit of; obtain something desirable
"gain pleasure from one's garden";
- derive
- Acquire something through effort
"Gain an understanding of international finance";
- acquire, win
- Derive a benefit from
"She gained from his vast experience";
- profit, benefit
- Receive money in return for work; make a profit as the result of some business transaction
"He gains $5,000 each month";
- take in, clear, make, earn, realize, realise [Brit], pull in [informal], bring in
- Make progress or become more successful; obtain an advantage
"The home team was gaining ground";
- advance, win, pull ahead, make headway, get ahead, gain ground, forge ahead
- Increase or develop
"the peace movement gained momentum";
- gather
- Rise in rate or price
"The stock market gained 24 points today";
- advance
- Be at the destination after some time, either real or abstract
"The hikers gained the summit by nightfall";
- reach, make, attain, hit, arrive at
- Increase (one's body weight)
"She gained 20 pounds when she stopped exercising";
- put on
- A quantity that is added
"they recorded the cattle's gain in weight over a period of weeks";
- addition, increase
- An increase in wealth, profit, or advantage, especially the excess of proceeds over expenditure in a transaction
"The company reported substantial gains from its real estate sales"
- The advantageous quality of being beneficial
"The gain in efficiency was significant after implementing the new system";
- profit
- The amount of increase in signal power, voltage or current expressed as the ratio of output to input
"The gain of the antenna boosted the weak radio waves";
- amplification
Derived forms: gaining, gained, gains
Type of: acquire, act, advantage, amount, amount of money, change state, climb, get, increase, increment, indefinite quantity, mount, move, obtain, rise, sum, sum of money, turn, vantage, wax
Encyclopedia: Gain, Peter