Adjective: weak (weaker,weakest) week
- Wanting in physical strength
"a weak pillar"
- Lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality
"a weak old woman";
- decrepit, debile [archaic], feeble, infirm, rickety, sapless, weakly
- Deficient in magnitude; barely perceptible; lacking clarity, brightness or loudness etc
"weak colours"; "a weak pulse";
- faint
- Likely to fail under stress or pressure
"the weak link in the chain"
- Wanting in moral strength, courage, or will; having the attributes of man as opposed to e.g. divine beings
"I'm only a weak human";
- fallible, frail, imperfect
- Deficient or lacking in some skill
"he's weak in spelling"
- Deficient in intelligence or mental power
"a weak mind"
- Not having authority, political strength, or governing power
"a weak president"
- Tending downward in price
"a weak market for oil stocks"
- Overly diluted; thin and insipid
"weak tea";
- watery, washy
- (used of vowels or syllables) pronounced with little or no stress
"a weak stress on the second syllable";
- unaccented, light
- (used of verbs) having standard (or regular) inflection
"The verb 'walk' is weak, forming its past tense as 'walked'"
- Lacking in vibrancy, colour, force, or decisiveness
"The politician gave a weak answer to the question";
- wishy-washy [informal], indecisive
Derived forms: weakest, weaker
See also: adynamic [archaic], anaemic [Brit, Cdn], anemic [N. Amer], asthenic, daft [Brit, informal], debilitated, delicate, dilute, diluted, down, dumb, enervated, faint, fallible, feeble, flimsy, foolish, frail, human, imbecile, imbecilic, insubstantial, jerry-built, lame, limp, pale, pallid, perceptible, powerless, puny, regular, sick, strength, stupid, tender, unskilled, unstressed, untoughened, vulnerable, wan, weakened, wilted, wussy [informal]
Antonym: strong
Encyclopedia: Weak