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Adjective: inclined  in'klInd
  1. Having made preparations
    "inclined to take risks";
    - disposed, fain [archaic], prepared
  2. (often followed by 'to') having a preference, disposition, or tendency
    "wasn't inclined to believe the excuse"; "inclined to be moody"
  3. At an angle to the horizontal or vertical position
    "an inclined plane"
Verb: incline  'in,klIn
  1. Have a tendency or disposition to do or be something; be inclined
    "He inclined to corpulence";
    - tend, be given, lean, run
  2. Bend or turn (one's ear) towards a speaker in order to listen well
    "He inclined his ear to the wise old man"
  3. Lower or bend (the head or upper body), as in a nod or bow
    "She inclined her head to the student"
  4. Be at an angle
    "The terrain inclined down";
    - slope, pitch
  5. Feel favourably disposed or willing
    "She inclines to the view that people should be allowed to express their religious beliefs"
  6. Make receptive or willing towards an action or attitude or belief
    "Their language inclines us to believe them";
    - dispose

See also: accident-prone, apt, aslant, aslope, atilt, canted, diagonal, disposed, fond, given, gradual, high-pitched, leaning, low-pitched, minded, monoclinal, oblique, orientation, partial, pitched, prone, salient, sidelong, skew, skewed, slanted, slanting, sloped, sloping, tending, tilted, tipped, willing

Type of: angle, be, bring down, determine, experience, feel, get down, hear, influence, lean, let down, listen, lower, mold [N. Amer], mould [Brit, Cdn], regulate, shape, slant, take down, take heed, tilt, tip

Antonym: disinclined, horizontal, vertical

Encyclopedia: Inclined

Incline, California