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Noun: slant  slãnt
  1. A biased way of looking at or presenting something
    - angle
  2. Degree of deviation from a horizontal plane
    "the roof had a steep slant";
    - pitch, rake
  3. A mental position from which things are viewed
    "teaching history gave him a special slant toward current events";
    - point of view, viewpoint, stand, standpoint, outlook
Verb: slant  slãnt
  1. Lie obliquely
    "A scar slanted across his face"
  2. Present with a bias
    - angle, weight
  3. To incline or bend from a vertical position
    - lean, tilt, tip, angle
  4. Heel over
    "The ceiling is slanting";
    - cant, cant over, tilt, pitch

Derived forms: slants, slanted, slanting

Type of: bend, bias, flex, gradient, lie, move, position, posture, predetermine, skew, slope, stance

Encyclopedia: Slant