Adjective: out-of-the-way ,awt-uv-dhu'wey
- Remote from populous or much-travelled regions
"they found a quiet out-of-the-way resort";
- off the beaten track, out of the way
- Exceptional, unusual, or remarkable
"out-of-the-way information";
- out of the way, out of the ordinary
- Improper or even offensive
"out-of-the-way remarks";
- out of the way
- Dealt with; disposed of
"I'm so relieved that my midterm is out-of-the-way";
- out of the way
- In a remote location or at a distance from the usual route
"We found a charming bed and breakfast out of the way"
- So as not to obstruct or hinder
"put that box out of the way so that no one trips on it"
- Extraordinary; unusual
"such erratic behaviour was out of the way for him"
- Improper; amiss
"His behaviour at the formal dinner was quite out of the way"
- Murdered
"the mob boss wanted his rival out of the way"
See also: far, finished, improper, unordinary, unusual