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Noun: behaviour  bi'heyv-yur [N. Amer], bi'hey-vee-u(r) [Brit]
Usage: Brit, Cdn (US: behavior)
  1. Manner of acting or controlling yourself
    - behavior [US], conduct, doings
  2. The action or reaction of something (as a machine or substance) under specified circumstances
    "the behaviour of small particles can be studied in experiments";
    - behavior [US]
  3. (behavioral attributes) the way a person behaves toward other people
    "her dignified behaviour";
    - demeanor [US], demeanour [Brit, Cdn], behavior [US], conduct, deportment
  4. (psychology) the aggregate of the responses, reactions or movements made by an organism in any situation
    - behavior [US]

Derived forms: behaviours

Type of: action, activeness, activity, trait

Encyclopedia: Behaviour