Noun: trip trip
- A journey for some purpose (usually including the return)
"he took a trip to the shopping centre"
- An exciting or stimulating experience
"The concert was a real trip for the fans"; "His new philosophy book took readers on quite a head trip";
- head trip
- An accidental misstep threatening (or causing) a fall
"he blamed his trip on the ice";
- slip
- A hallucinatory experience induced by drugs
"an acid trip"
- A catch mechanism that acts as a switch
"the pressure activates the trip and releases the water";
- tripper
- A light or nimble tread
"he heard the trip of women's feet overhead"
- An unintentional but embarrassing blunder
"he recited the whole poem without a single trip"; "he arranged his robes to avoid a trip-up later";
- trip-up, stumble, misstep
- Make a trip for pleasure
"They tripped to Paris for the weekend";
- travel, jaunt
- Miss a step and fall or nearly fall
"She tripped over the tree root";
- stumble
- Cause to stumble
"The questions on the test tripped him up";
- trip up
- Put in motion, initiate (a device, reaction, circuit, etc)
"trip the circuits";
- actuate, trigger, activate, set off, spark off, spark, trigger off, touch off
- Get high, stoned, or drugged
"He trips every weekend"; "They tripped out on psychedelic mushrooms";
- trip out [informal], turn on [informal], get off [informal]
- Turn electric power off (using a switch or as a safety measure)
"The circuit breaker tripped when the system was overloaded"
Derived forms: tripping, trips, tripped
Type of: bloomer [informal], blooper [N. Amer, informal], blue [Austral, NZ, informal], blunder, boner [N. Amer, informal], boob [Brit, informal], boo-boo [informal], botch, bungle, catch, entrammel [literary], experience, feel, fetter [literary], flub [N. Amer, informal], foul-up [informal], go, goof [informal], hallucination, hinder, impede, initiate, journey, journeying, locomote, misadventure, mischance, mishap, move, pioneer, pratfall [informal], step, stop, trammel [literary], travel
Encyclopedia: Trip, reactor