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Verb: trip up
  1. Cause to stumble
    - trip
  2. Make an error
    "She tripped up and revealed the name";
    - stumble, slip up [informal]
  3. Detect a blunder or misstep
    "The reporter tripped up the senator";
    - catch
Noun: trip-up
  1. An unintentional but embarrassing blunder
    "he arranged his robes to avoid a trip-up later";
    - trip, stumble, misstep

Derived forms: tripped up, trips up, tripping up, trip-ups

See also: err, slip

Type of: bloomer [informal], blooper [N. Amer, informal], blue [Austral, NZ, informal], blunder, boner [N. Amer, informal], boob [Brit, informal], boo-boo [informal], botch, bungle, discover, err, find out, flub [N. Amer, informal], foul-up, get a line, get wind, get word, goof [informal], hear, learn, mistake, pick up, pratfall [informal], see, slip