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Noun: mob  mób
  1. A disorderly crowd of people
    - rabble, rout [N. Amer], scrum [Brit]
  2. A loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities
    - syndicate, crime syndicate, family
  3. An association of criminals
    "police tried to break up the mob";
    - gang, pack, ring
Verb: mob (mobbed,mobbing)  mób
  1. Press tightly together or cram
    "The crowd mobbed the auditorium";
    - throng, pack, pile, jam

Derived forms: mobs, mobbing, mobbed

Type of: association, crowd, crowd together, gangdom, gangland, organised crime [Brit], organized crime

Part of: gangdom, gangland, organised crime [Brit], organized crime

Encyclopedia: Mob