Noun: jam jam
- A number of vehicles blocking one another until they can scarcely move
"We were stuck in a traffic jam for hours";
- traffic jam, snarl-up
- A dense crowd of people
"There was a jam of people trying to enter the stadium";
- crush, press
- Preserve of crushed fruit
"She spread strawberry jam on her toast"
- Deliberate radiation or reflection of electromagnetic energy for the purpose of disrupting enemy use of electronic devices or systems
"The military used radio jam to block enemy communications";
- jamming, electronic jamming
- [informal] A problematic situation or predicament
"he got into a terrible jam";
- fix [informal], hole [informal], mess [informal], muddle [informal], pickle [informal], kettle of fish [informal], difficulty
- A blockage or something stuck that prevents a device from working properly
"there's a jam in the printer"
- [informal] (popular music) an informal, impromptu performance or rehearsal
"We had a great jam last night"
- Crowd or pack to capacity
"the theatre was jammed";
- jampack [informal], ram, cram, wad
- Block passage through
"jam the path";
- obstruct, obturate, impede, occlude, block, close up
- Press tightly together or cram
"The crowd jammed the auditorium";
- throng, mob, pack, pile
- Push down forcibly
"The driver jammed the brake pedal to the floor"
- Hurt or bruise with a squashing force
"jam a toe";
- crush
- Interfere with or prevent the reception of signals
"Jam the Voice of America";
- block
- Get stuck and immobilized
"the mechanism jammed"
- [informal] (popular music) play music in a group, esp. improvising
"The band jammed for hours in the garage"
Derived forms: jams, jammed, jamming
Type of: bruise, conserve, conserves, contuse [technical], crowd, crowd together, cut off, difficultness, difficulty, disrupt, ECM, electronic countermeasures, entrammel [literary], fetter [literary], force, hinder, impede, interrupt, malfunction, misfunction, preserve, preserves, push, stuff, trammel [literary]
Antonym: disengage
Encyclopedia: Jam, Khuzestan