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Noun: carry-on  'ker-ee'ón [N. Amer], 'ka-ree'ón [Brit]
  1. That luggage or baggage which is taken onto an aeroplane with a passenger, rather than checked
  2. [Brit, informal] A disorderly outburst or tumult
    "they were amazed by the furious carry-on they had caused";
    - disturbance, disruption, commotion, flutter, hurly burly, to-do [informal], hoo-ha [informal], hoo-hah [informal], kerfuffle [Brit, informal], song and dance [Brit, informal]
  3. [Brit, informal] Odd or suspicious happenings or behaviour
    - carryings-on [Brit, informal], goings-on [informal]
  4. Baggage taken onto an aircraft rather than stored in the hold
Verb: carry on
  1. Direct the course of; manage or control
    "You cannot carry on business like this";
    - conduct, deal
  2. Keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last
    "Carry on the old traditions";
    - continue, uphold, bear on, preserve
  3. Keep talking; follow up
    "please carry on";
    - continue, go on, proceed
  4. Misbehave badly; act in a silly or improper way
    "The children carried on when they were not bored";
    - act up

Derived forms: carry-ons, carries on, carrying on, carried on

See also: act, bother, fuss, hassle [informal], shindy [informal], stink [informal], trouble

Type of: baggage, care, deal, disorder, handle, hold, keep, luggage, maintain, manage, misbehave, misconduct, misdemean, speak, talk

Encyclopedia: Carry-on

Carry on, Jeeves