Adjective: odd (odder,oddest) ód
- Not easily explained
"it is odd that his name is never mentioned"
- Not divisible by two
"Seven is an odd number"
- Beyond or deviating from the usual or expected
"had an odd name";
- curious, funny, peculiar, queer, rum [Brit, informal], rummy [Brit, archaic, informal], singular
- An indefinite quantity more than that specified
"invited 30-odd guests"
- Of the remaining member of a pair
"an odd glove";
- unmatched, unmated, unpaired
- Still present, unused, or unconsumed
"some odd dollars left";
- leftover, left over, left, remaining, unexpended
- Occurring, appearing, or done infrequently
"he liked an odd glass of wine";
- occasional
Derived forms: odder, oddest
See also: inexact, infrequent, mismatched, oddball, strange, unexhausted, unordinary, unusual
Antonym: even
Encyclopedia: Odd, West Virginia