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Verb: bother  bó-dhu(r)
  1. Take the trouble to do something; concern oneself
    "Don't bother, please";
    - trouble oneself, trouble, inconvenience oneself
  2. Cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations
    "Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me";
    - annoy, rag, get to, get at [informal], irritate, rile, nark [Brit, slang], nettle, gravel [US], vex, chafe, devil, tick off [informal], roil [N. Amer]
  3. To cause inconvenience or discomfort to
    "Sorry to bother you, but...";
    - trouble, put out, inconvenience, disoblige, discommode, incommode
  4. Intrude or enter uninvited
    "Don't bother the professor while she is grading term papers"
  5. Make nervous or agitated
    "The mere thought of her bothered him and made his heart beat faster"
  6. Make confused, perplexed or puzzled
Noun: bother  bó-dhu(r)
  1. An angry disturbance
    "a spot of bother";
    - fuss, trouble, hassle [informal], stink [informal], shindy [informal]
  2. Something or someone that causes annoyance, inconvenience, or makes life more difficult
    "a bit of a bother";
    - annoyance, botheration [informal], pain, infliction, pain in the neck [informal], irritation, nuisance
  3. Something annoying or fiddly that takes some time to do
    - faff [Brit, informal], hassle [informal]
Interjection: bother  bó-dhu(r)
Usage: Brit
  1. Exclamation of annoyance
    - blast, botheration, bummer [informal], curses, dang [N. Amer, informal], damn, damnation, dammit [informal], damn it [informal], darn [informal], dash [Brit, informal], durn [US, dialect], drat [informal], hang [informal], tarnation [N. Amer, informal], shoot [N. Amer, informal]

Derived forms: bothered, bothering, bothers

See also: carry-on [Brit, informal], commotion, disruption, disturbance, flutter, hoo-ha [informal], hoo-hah [informal], hurly burly, kerfuffle [Brit, informal], song and dance [Brit, informal], to-do [informal]

Type of: affect, agitate, bear on, bear upon, charge, charge up, commove, confuse, disconcert, displease, disturbance, excite, flurry, impact, intrude, irrupt, negative stimulus, perturbation, put off, reach, rouse, strain, strive, touch, touch on, turn on

Encyclopedia: Bother