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Verb: excite  ik'sIt or ek'sIt
  1. Arouse or elicit a feeling
  2. Act as a stimulant
    "The book excited her imagination";
    - stimulate
  3. Arouse feelings in
    "excite the audience";
    - stimulate, stir
  4. Cause to be agitated, excited, or roused
    - agitate, rouse, turn on, charge, commove, charge up
  5. To evoke sexual feelings
    "This movie usually excites the male audience";
    - arouse, sex, turn on, wind up
  6. Excite the feelings or emotions of; disturb the peace of
    "These stories excited the community";
    - stimulate, shake, shake up, stir
  7. Raise to a higher energy level
    "excite the atoms";
    - energize, energise [Brit]
  8. Produce a magnetic field in
    "excite the neurons"

Derived forms: excited, exciting, excites

Type of: affect, alter, arouse, bear on, bear upon, change, disturb, elicit, enkindle [literary], evoke, fire, impact, kindle, modify, provoke, raise, sensitise [Brit], sensitize, touch, touch on, trouble, upset

Encyclopedia: Excite