Noun: annoyance u'noy-un(t)s- The psychological state of being irritated or annoyed
- irritation, vexation, botheration [informal] - Anger produced by some annoying irritation
- chafe, vexation - An unpleasant person who is annoying or exasperating
- aggravator - Something or someone that causes annoyance, inconvenience, or makes life more difficult
- bother, botheration [informal], pain, infliction, pain in the neck [informal], irritation, nuisance - The act of troubling or annoying someone
- annoying, irritation, vexation
Derived forms: annoyances Type of: anger, choler, disagreeable person, ire, mental condition, mental state, mistreatment, negative stimulus, psychological condition, psychological state, unpleasant person Encyclopedia: Annoyance |