Adjective: touched túcht
- Emotionally affected or aroused, especially to sympathy, gratitude, or tenderness
"very touched by the stranger's kindness";
- moved, affected, stirred
- Having come into contact with something or someone
"The touched surfaces needed to be disinfected"
- [archaic] Slightly insane
"He seemed a bit touched after his ordeal";
- fey
- Make physical contact with, come in contact with
"Touch the stone for good luck"; "She never touched her husband"
- Be in direct physical contact with; make contact
"The two buildings touch"; "Their hands touched";
- adjoin, meet, contact
- Affect emotionally
"I was touched by your kind letter of sympathy";
- stir
- Be relevant to
"His speech touched on several important issues";
- refer, pertain, relate, concern, bear on, touch on, have to do with
- Deal with; usually used with a form of negation
"I wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole"; "The local Mafia won't touch gambling"
- To extend as far as
"The chair must not touch the wall";
- reach, extend to
- Be equal to in quality or ability
"Your performance doesn't even touch that of your colleagues";
- equal, rival, match
- Tamper with
"Don't touch my CDs!";
- disturb
- Make a more or less disguised reference to
"The speech touched on sensitive political issues";
- allude, advert [rare]
- Comprehend
"He could not touch the meaning of the poem"
- Consume
"She didn't touch her food all night";
- partake
- Colour lightly
"her greying hair was touched blond";
- tint, tinct [archaic], tinge
See also: affected, brushed, emotional, grazed, heat, insane, sick, touch down
Type of: act, affect, alter, be, care, change, color [US], color in [US], colorise [Brit], colorize [US], colour [Brit, Cdn], colour in [Brit, Cdn], colourise [Brit], colourize [Brit, Cdn], compete, consume, contend, deal, handle, have, hint, impress, ingest, manage, modify, move, strike, suggest, take, take in, understand, vie
Antonym: untouched
Encyclopedia: Touched
Touch, Peel and Stand