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Noun: tint  tint
  1. A quality of a given colour that differs slightly from another colour
    "after several trials he mixed the tint of pink that she wanted";
    - shade, tincture, tone
  2. A dye for colouring the hair
    - hair dye, hair coloring [US], hair colouring [Brit, Cdn]
  3. A just detectable amount
    "a tint of glamour";
    - trace, hint, suggestion
Verb: tint  tint
  1. Colour lightly
    "her greying hair was tinted blond";
    - tinct, tinge, touch

Derived forms: tints, tinted, tinting

Type of: color [US], color in [US], coloring [US], colorise [Brit], colorize [US], colour [Brit, Cdn], colour in [Brit, Cdn], colouring [Brit, Cdn], colourise [Brit], colourize [Brit, Cdn], dye, dyestuff, small indefinite amount, small indefinite quantity

Encyclopedia: Tint, shade and tone