Adjective: affected u'fek-tid- Acted upon; influenced
- Speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression
- unnatural - Being excited or provoked to the expression of an emotion
"too affected to speak"; - moved, stirred, touched Verb: affect 'a,fekt- Have an effect upon
"Will the new rules affect me?"; - impact, bear upon, bear on, touch on, touch - Act physically on; have an effect upon
"the medicine affects my heart rate" - Connect closely and often incriminatingly
"This new ruling affects your business"; - involve, regard - Make believe with the intent to deceive
"He affected that he was ill"; - feign, sham, pretend, dissemble - Have an emotional or cognitive impact upon
"This child affected me as unusually mature"; - impress, move, strike
Sounds like: effected See also: affectedness, agonistic, artificial, constrained, contrived, effeteness, elocutionary, emotional, forced, hokey [N. Amer, informal], impressed, mannered, plummy, poncey [Brit, informal], poncy [Brit, informal], sick, smitten, stage-struck, stilted, strained, stricken, struck, studied, subject, taken, wonder-struck Type of: alter, bear on, belie, change, come to, concern, have to do with, misrepresent, modify, pertain, refer, relate, touch, touch on Antonym: unaffected, untouched Encyclopedia: Affected Affect |