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Verb: qualify  'kwó-lu,fI
  1. Prove capable or fit; meet requirements
    - measure up
  2. Pronounce fit or able
    "She was qualified to run the marathon"; "The nurses were qualified to administer the injections"
  3. Make more specific
    "qualify these remarks"
  4. Make fit or prepared
    "Your education qualifies you for this job";
    - dispose
  5. Make a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provision in an agreement
    "The will qualifies that she can live in the house for the rest of her life";
    - stipulate, condition, specify
  6. Describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of
    "You can qualify his behaviour as that of an egotist";
    - characterize, characterise [Brit]
  7. (grammar) add a modifier to a constituent
    - modify

Derived forms: qualified, qualifies, qualifying

See also: measure

Type of: add, answer, contract, do, groom, judge, label, modify, prepare, pronounce, remember, serve, suffice, think of, train, undertake

Antonym: disqualify

Encyclopedia: Qualify