Noun: limit li-mit
- The greatest possible degree of something
"to the limit of his ability";
- bound, boundary
- The greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed
"there are limits on the amount you can bet";
- limitation
- The boundary of a specific area
"The fence marked the limit of their property";
- demarcation, demarcation line
- As far as something can go
"They pushed the car to its limit"
- Final or latest limiting point
"The time limit for the exam was two hours";
- terminus ad quem, terminal point
- The mathematical value toward which a function goes as the independent variable approaches infinity
"The limit point of the sequence was determined to be zero";
- limit point, point of accumulation
- Place limits on (extent, amount or access)
"limit the time you can spend with your friends";
- restrict, trammel, bound, confine, throttle
- Restrict or confine within limits
"I limit you to two visits to the pub a day";
- circumscribe, confine to
- Establish or state a specific value or set of values
"limit the parameters";
- specify, set, determine, define, fix
Derived forms: limits, limiting, limited
Type of: act, bound, boundary, bounds, choose, decrease, end, ending, extent, extremity, indefinite quantity, lessen, minify, move, pick out, select, take
Encyclopedia: Limit