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Noun: interlock  ,in-tu(r)'lók
  1. A device that prevents an automotive engine from starting
    "car theives know how to bypass the ignition interlock";
    - ignition interlock
  2. The act of interlocking or meshing
    "an interlock of arms by the police held the crowd in check";
    - mesh, meshing, interlocking
Verb: interlock  ,in-tu(r)'lók
  1. Coordinate in such a way that all parts work together effectively
    - mesh, intermesh
  2. Hold in a locking position
    "He interlocked his hands around her neck";
    - lock, interlace
  3. Become engaged or intermeshed with one another
    "They were interlocked in embrace";
    - lock

Derived forms: interlocked, interlocking, interlocks

Type of: bosom, catch, coordinate, device, embrace, grab, hold, hug, organise [Brit], organize, snap, snatch, squeeze, take hold

Encyclopedia: Interlock