Verb: snatch snach
- To grasp hastily or eagerly
"Before I could stop him the dog snatched the ham bone"; "She snatched up the last cookie before anyone else could take it";
- snatch up, snap
- To make grasping motions
"the cat snatched at the butterflies"
- [informal] Take by theft
"He was going to snatch the phone someone had left behind";
- hook [informal], snitch [informal], thieve, cop [informal], knock off [informal], glom [N. Amer, informal], boost [N. Amer, informal], pilfer, cabbage [archaic, informal], purloin [informal], pinch [Brit, informal], abstract [informal], snarf [N. Amer, informal], swipe [informal], sneak [informal], filch [informal], nobble [Brit, informal], lift [informal], nick [Brit, informal], whip [Brit, informal], blag [Brit, informal]
- Take away to an undisclosed location against their will and usually in order to extract a ransom
"The industrialist's son was snatched";
- kidnap, nobble [Brit, informal], abduct
- Do something quickly due to limited time available
"He managed to snatch a quick nap between meetings"
- The act of catching an object with the hands
"Martin's snatch at the bridle failed and the horse raced away";
- catch, grab, snap
- A weightlift in which the barbell is lifted overhead in one rapid motion
"The Olympic athlete executed a flawless snatch, impressing the judges"
- (law) the unlawful act of capturing and carrying away a person against their will and holding them in false imprisonment
"The snatch of the CEO's daughter shocked the city";
- kidnapping, kidnaping [US]
- A small fragment of sound (music or speech)
"overheard snatches of their conversation";
- bit
- [vulgar, informal] Obscene term for female genitals
"The comedian's use of the term 'snatch' shocked some audience members";
Derived forms: snatching, snatches, snatched
See also: grab
Type of: capture, clutch, female genital organ, female genitalia, female genitals, fragment, move, prehend [archaic], rip [N. Amer, informal], rip off [informal], seize, seizure, steal, take hold, take hold of, touch, touching, weightlift, weightlifting
Encyclopedia: Snatch, Tennessee