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Verb: bypass  'bI,pãs
  1. Avoid something unpleasant or laborious
    "You cannot bypass these rules!";
    - short-circuit, go around, get around
Noun: bypass  'bI,pãs
  1. A highway that encircles an urban area so that traffic does not have to pass through the centre
    - beltway [N. Amer], ring road [Brit], ringway, ringroad [Brit]
  2. A surgically created shunt (usually around a damaged part)
  3. A conductor having low resistance in parallel with another device to divert a fraction of the current
    - shunt, electrical shunt

Derived forms: bypassing, bypasses, bypassed

Type of: avoid, conductor, highway, main road, shunt

Part of: circuit, electric circuit, electrical circuit

Encyclopedia: Bypass