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Adjective: parallel  'per-u,lel or 'pa-ru-lul [N. Amer], 'pa-ru,lel or 'pa-ru-lul [Brit]
  1. Being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting
    "parallel lines never converge"; "concentric circles are parallel"; "dancers in two parallel rows"
  2. (computing) of or relating to the simultaneous performance of multiple operations
    "parallel processing"
Noun: parallel  'per-u,lel or 'pa-ru-lul [N. Amer], 'pa-ru,lel or 'pa-ru-lul [Brit]
  1. Something having the property of being analogous to something else
    - analogue, analog [US]
  2. An imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator
    - latitude, line of latitude, parallel of latitude
  3. (mathematics) one of a set of parallel geometric figures (parallel lines or planes)
    "parallels never meet"
Verb: parallel (paralleled,paralleling)  'per-u,lel or 'pa-ru-lul [N. Amer], 'pa-ru,lel or 'pa-ru-lul [Brit]
  1. Be parallel to
    "Their roles are paralleled by ours"
  2. Make or place parallel to something
    "They paralleled the ditch to the highway";
    - collimate
  3. Duplicate or match
    "The polished surface paralleled his face and chest in reverse";
    - twin, duplicate

Derived forms: parallels, paralleling, paralleled

See also: antiparallel, collateral, comparable, nonconvergent, nonintersecting, symmetric, symmetrical, synchronal, synchronic, synchronous

Type of: agree, alter, change, check, correspond, figure, fit, gibe, jibe, line, marry, marry up, match, modify, similarity, tally

Antonym: oblique, perpendicular

Encyclopedia: Parallel