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Noun: meshing  me-shing
  1. Contact by fitting together
    "the meshing of gears";
    - engagement, mesh, interlocking
  2. An open fabric of string, rope or wire woven together at regular intervals
    - net, network, mesh, meshwork
  3. The act of interlocking or meshing
    - mesh, interlock, interlocking
Verb: mesh  mesh
  1. Keep engaged
    "meshed the gears";
    - engage, lock, operate
  2. Coordinate in such a way that all parts work together effectively
    - interlock, intermesh
  3. Work together in harmony
  4. Entangle or catch in (or as if in) a mesh
    - enmesh, ensnarl

Derived forms: meshings

Type of: catch, cloth, contact, coordinate, displace, entangle, fabric, grab, impinging, mat, material, move, organise [Brit], organize, relate, snap, snarl, snatch, striking, tangle, textile

Encyclopedia: Meshing
