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Adjective: checked  chekt
  1. Patterned with alternating squares of colour
    - checkered [N. Amer], chequered [Brit, Cdn]
Verb: check  chek
  1. Examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition
    "check the brakes"; "Check out the engine"; "check up on the brakes"; "check over the brakes"; "check into the brakes";
    - check up on, look into, check out, suss out [Brit, informal], check over, go over, check into, suss [Brit, informal], sus [Brit, informal]
  2. Make an examination or investigation
    "check into the rumour"; "check the time of the class"
  3. Be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something
    "check that the curtains are closed";
    - see, insure, see to it, ensure, control, ascertain, assure
  4. Lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits
    "check your anger";
    - control, hold in, hold, contain, curb, moderate, mod [informal]
  5. Stop for a moment, as if out of uncertainty or caution
    "She checked for an instant and missed a step"
  6. Put a check mark on, near or next to
    "Please check each name on the list";
    - check off, mark, mark off, tick off [Brit, Cdn, informal], tick [Brit]
  7. Slow the growth or development of
    "The brain damage will check the child's language development";
    - retard, delay
  8. Be verified or confirmed; pass inspection
    "These stories don't check!";
    - check out
  9. Be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics
    "The handwriting checks with the signature on the form";
    - match, fit, correspond, jibe, gibe, tally, agree, marry up, marry
  10. Block or impede (a player from the opposing team) in ice hockey
  11. Develop (a child's or animal's) behaviour by instruction and practice; especially to teach self-control
    "Parents must check their children";
    - discipline, train, condition
  12. Consign for shipment on a vehicle
    "check your luggage before boarding"
  13. [N. Amer] Hand over something to somebody as for temporary safekeeping
    "Check your coat at the door"
  14. (falconry) abandon the intended prey, turn, and pursue an inferior prey
  15. Stop in a chase especially when scent is lost
    "The dog checked"
  16. [N. Amer] Mark into squares or draw squares on; draw crossed lines on
    - checker [N. Amer], chequer [Brit, Cdn]
  17. (card game) decline to initiate betting
  18. Hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of
    "Check the growth of communism in South East Asia";
    - turn back, arrest, stop, contain, hold back
  19. (chess) place into check
    "He checked my kings"
  20. [US] Write out a check on a bank account
  21. Find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort
    "Check whether the train leaves on time";
    - determine, find out, see, ascertain, watch, learn
  22. Verify by consulting a source or authority
    "check the spelling of this word"; "check your facts"
  23. Arrest the motion (of something) abruptly
    "He checked the flow of water by shutting off the main valve"
  24. Make cracks or chinks in
    "The heat checked the paint";
    - chink
  25. Become fractured; break or crack on the surface only
    - crack, break
  26. Withdraw money by writing a check
    - cheque [Brit, Cdn], check out [US]

See also: patterned

Type of: aggress, alter, analyse [Brit, Cdn], analyze [N. Amer], attack, be, block, blockade, canvass, change, charge, consign, crack, cut, defend, develop, draw, draw off, embarrass, equal, examine, go, halt, hinder, hold back, issue, keep, keep back, make grow, make out, modify, move, obstruct, restrain, see, stop, study, stymie, stymy [rare], take out, verify, withdraw, write out

Encyclopedia: Checked

Check, Please! Bay Area