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Verb: chase  cheys
  1. Go after with the intent to catch
    "The policeman chased the mugger down the alley"; "the fox chased the rabbit"; "The policeman chased after the mugger down the alley";
    - chase after, trail, tail, tag, give chase, dog, go after, track
  2. Pursue someone sexually or romantically
    - chase after
  3. Cut a groove into
    "chase silver"
  4. Cut a furrow into columns
    - furrow, chamfer
Noun: chase  cheys
  1. The act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture
    "the culprit started to run and the cop took off in chase";
    - pursuit, pursual, following
  2. A rectangular metal frame used in letterpress printing to hold together the pages or columns of composed type that are printed at one time
  3. A cavity or groove, e.g. in a wall to hold cables or pipes
Noun: Chase  cheys
  1. United States politician and jurist who served as chief justice of the United States Supreme Court (1808-1873)
    - Salmon P. Chase, Salmon Portland Chase

Derived forms: chasing, chased, chases

See also: drive off

Type of: chief justice, court, cut, follow, frame, framework, motion, move, movement, pol [N. Amer, informal], political leader, politician, politico [informal], pollie [Austral, informal], polly [Austral, informal], pursue, romance, solicit, woo

Encyclopedia: Chase, Pennsylvania