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Noun: furrow  fur-ow or fú-row [N. Amer], fú-row [Brit]
  1. A long shallow trench in the ground (especially one made by a plough)
  2. A slight depression or fold in the smoothness of a surface
    - wrinkle, crease, crinkle, seam, line
Verb: furrow  fur-ow or fú-row [N. Amer], fú-row [Brit]
  1. Hollow out in the form of a furrow or groove
    "furrow soil";
    - rut, groove
  2. Make wrinkled or creased
    "furrow one's brow";
    - wrinkle, crease
  3. Cut a furrow into columns
    - chamfer, chase

Derived forms: furrowed, furrows, furrowing

Type of: cut, cut into, delve [archaic], depression, dig, fold, fold up, impression, imprint, trench, turn over, turn up

Part of: cutis, skin, tegument

Encyclopedia: Furrow, James