Adjective: furrowed fur-owd or fú-rowd [N. Amer], fú-rowd [Brit]
- Having long narrow shallow depressions (as grooves or wrinkles) in the surface
"his furrowed face lit by a warming smile"; "furrowed fields";
- rugged
- Hollow out in the form of a furrow or groove
"furrow soil";
- rut, groove
- Make wrinkled or creased
"furrow one's brow";
- wrinkle, crease
- Cut a furrow into columns
"The stonemason furrowed the column for decoration";
- chamfer, chase
See also: canaliculate, corrugated, rutted, rutty
Type of: cut, cut into, delve [archaic], dig, fold, fold up, turn over, turn up
Antonym: unfurrowed
Encyclopedia: Furrow, James