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Noun: assurance  u'shûr-un(t)s [N. Amer], u'shor-un(t)s or u'shûr-un(t)s [Brit]
  1. Freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities
    "his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular"; "his self-assurance in his superiority did not make him popular";
    - self-assurance, confidence, self-confidence, authority, sureness
  2. A binding commitment to do, give or refrain from something
    "an assurance of help when needed";
    - pledge
  3. A statement intended to inspire confidence
    "the President's assurances were not respected"
  4. [Brit] Term for some kinds of insurance

Derived forms: assurances

See also: certain, incertain [non-standard], sure, uncertain, unsure

Type of: certainty, commitment, dedication, insurance, statement

Encyclopedia: Assurance, West Virginia