Adjective: unsure ,ún'shûr or ún'shor [N. Amer], ún'shor or ,ún'shûr [Brit]
- Not established beyond doubt; still undecided or unknown
"an unsure future";
- uncertain
- Lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance
"unsure of himself and his future"; "moving with unsure steps";
- uncertain, incertain [non-standard]
- Lacking self-confidence
"a very unsure young man";
- diffident, shy, timid, unconfident
See also: ambivalent, assurance, authority, cert [Brit, informal], certainty, confidence, dead cert [Brit, informal], doubtful, dubious, foregone conclusion, groping, indefinite, indeterminate, self-assurance, self-confidence, sure thing, sureness, undetermined, up in the air
Antonym: certain
Encyclopedia: Unsure