Adjective: timid (timider,timidest) ti-mid
- Showing fear and lack of confidence
"The timid child hesitated to join the game"
- Lacking self-confidence
"problems that call for bold not timid responses";
- diffident, shy, unsure, unconfident
- Lacking conviction, boldness or courage
"timid heart ne'er won fair lady";
- faint, fainthearted, faint-hearted
- People who are fearful and cautious
"whitewater rafting is not for the timid";
- cautious
Derived forms: timider, timidest
See also: afeard [archaic], afeared [archaic], afraid, backward, bashful, confidence, cowardly, coy, fearful, 'fraid [non-standard], intimidated, mousey, mousy, timidity, timorous, timorousness, trepid [rare], unadventurous, unassertive
Type of: people
Antonym: bold
Encyclopedia: Timid