Adjective: sure (surer,surest) shûr [N. Amer], shor or shûr [Brit]
- Having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; confident and assured
"was sure she had seen it"; "was very sure in his beliefs"; "sure of her friends";
- certain
- Taking sufficient care to ensure a result
"be sure to lock the doors";
- certain
- Certain to occur; destined or inevitable
"sudden but sure regret"; "he is sure to win";
- certain
- Physically secure or dependable
"a sure footing"; "was on sure ground"
- Reliable in operation or effect
"a sure way to distinguish the two"; "wood dust is a sure sign of termites";
- certain
- (of persons) worthy of trust or confidence
"a sure friend";
- trusted
- Infallible or unfailing
"a sure (or true) sign of one's commitment"
- Certain not to fail
"a sure hand on the throttle"
- Impossible to doubt or dispute
"sure proof";
- indisputable
- Definitely or positively
"it's going to be a good day for sure"; "they thought he had been killed sure enough"; "he'll win sure as shooting"; "they sure smell good"; "sure he'll come";
- surely, certainly, for sure, for certain, sure enough, sure as shooting [informal]
- [N. Amer] Polite response to a thank you
- don't mention it, my pleasure, no problem, not at all, you bet [informal], you're welcome
- [informal] Indicates an affirmative response
- ay [dialect], aye [dialect], uh-huh [informal], yah [UK, informal], yea [informal], yeah [informal], yeh [informal], yep [informal], yes, yup [informal], ya [S.Africa, informal], certainly
Derived forms: surer, surest
See also: assurance, authority, beyond a doubt, beyond a shadow of a doubt, beyond doubt, bound, careful, certain, certainty, confidence, confident, convinced, dependable, destined, doomed, fated, foreordained, honest, in for, indisputably, indubitably, positive, predestinate, predestined, predictable, reliable, secure, self-assurance, self-confidence, steady, straight-up [informal], sureness, true, trustable, trustworthy, trusty, without a doubt
Antonym: incertain [non-standard]
Encyclopedia: Sure