Adjective: worn worn
- Affected by wear; damaged by long use
"the worn pockets on the jacket"; "worn threads on the screw"; "a worn suit"
- Showing the wearing effects of overwork, care or suffering
"shocked to see the worn look of his handsome young face";
- careworn, drawn, haggard, raddled
- Be dressed in
"She was wearing yellow that day";
- have on
- Have on one's person
"He wore a red ribbon";
- bear
- Show an expression of one's attitude or personality
"He always wears a smile"
- Put clothing on one's body
"What should I wear today?";
- put on, get into, don, assume
- Have or show an appearance of
"wear one's hair in a certain way"
- Deteriorate through use or stress
"The constant friction wore out the cloth"; "His patience was wearing thin after hours of waiting"; "The tire treads wore down after many miles";
- wear out, wear down, wear thin
- Last and be usable
"This dress wore well for almost ten years";
- hold out, endure
- Become damaged, weakened, or useless through use
"The gears wore out"; "The old shoes finally wore out";
- wear out
- Exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress
"We wore ourselves out on this hike"; "The constant demands of her job wore upon her"; "The long hike wore down even the fittest climbers";
- tire, wear upon, tire out, weary, jade, wear out, outwear, wear down, fag out [Brit, informal], fag [informal], fatigue, knacker [Brit, informal]
See also: aged, attrited, battered, clapped out [Brit, informal], creaky, daggy [Austral, NZ, informal], decrepit, dog-eared, eared, eroded, flea-bitten, frayed, grotty [Brit, informal], mangey, mangy, moth-eaten, mothy, old, played out, raddled, ragged, raggedy [N. Amer], raggy [informal], ratty, run-down, scoured, scruffy, seedy, shabby, shop-soiled [Brit], shopworn [N. Amer], shot [informal], tatterdemalion, tattered, tatty [informal], threadbare, thumbed, tired, vermiculate, waterworn, weather-beaten, weathered, weatherworn, well-worn, woebegone, worm-eaten, wormy, worn-out
Type of: crumble, decay, deteriorate, dilapidate, dress, endure, feature, get dressed, have, have got, hold, indispose, last
Antonym: new
Encyclopedia: Worn
Wear, Peter