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Verb: don (donned,donning)  dón
  1. Put clothing on one's body
    "The princess donned a long blue dress";
    - wear, put on, get into, assume
Noun: don  dón
  1. [Brit] Teacher at a university or college (especially at Cambridge or Oxford)
    - preceptor [Brit]
  2. The head of an organized crime family
    - father
Noun: Don  dón
  1. (Spanish) a Spanish gentleman or nobleman
  2. Celtic goddess; mother of Gwydion and Arianrhod; corresponds to Irish Danu
  3. (Spanish) a Spanish courtesy title or form of address for men that is prefixed to the forename
    "Don Roberto"
  4. A European river in southwestern Russia; flows into the Sea of Azov
    - Don River

Derived forms: dons, donning, donned

Type of: Celtic deity, chief, dress, educator, form of address, gentleman, get dressed, head, instructor, river, teacher, title, title of respect, top dog [informal]

Part of: Russia, Russian Federation

Encyclopedia: Don, Italy