Adjective: verifying 've-ri,fI-ing
- Serving to support or corroborate
"verifying evidence";
- collateral, confirmative, confirming, confirmatory, corroborative, corroboratory, substantiating, substantiative, validating, validatory, verificatory
- Confirm the truth of
"Please verify that the doors are closed"; "verify a claim"
- To declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true
"The witness verified the statement under oath";
- affirm, assert, avow, aver, swear
- (science) check or regulate (a scientific experiment) by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard
"They verified their results using a control group";
- control
- (law) attach or append a legal verification to (a pleading or petition)
"The lawyer verified the complaint before filing it"; "She verified her affidavit with a notary public"
See also: supportive
Type of: affirm, confirm, corroborate, declare, essay, examine, pronounce, prove, reassert, substantiate, support, sustain, test, trial, try, try out
Encyclopedia: Verifying