Adjective: substantiating sub'stan-shee,ey-ting
- Serving to support or corroborate
"substantiating evidence";
- collateral, confirmative, confirming, confirmatory, corroborative, corroboratory, substantiative, validating, validatory, verificatory, verifying
- Establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts
"his story substantiated my doubts";
- confirm, corroborate, sustain, support, affirm
- Make real or concrete; give reality or substance to
"our ideas must be substantiated into actions";
- realize, realise [Brit], actualize, actualise [Brit]
- Solidify, firm, or strengthen
"The president's trip will substantiate good relations with the former enemy country"
- Represent in bodily form
"The painting substantiates the feelings of the artist";
- incarnate, body forth, embody
See also: supportive
Type of: act, beef up [informal], correspond, create, fortify, make, move, represent, stand for, strengthen
Encyclopedia: Substantiate