Adjective: untouchable ,ún'tú-chu-bul
- Beyond the reach of criticism, attack or impeachment
"for the first time criticism was directed at a hitherto untouchable target"
- Forbidden to the touch
"in most museums such articles are untouchable"
- Impossible to challenge successfully
"The champion's record seemed untouchable";
- unassailable
- Not capable of being obtained
"untouchable resources buried deep within the earth";
- inaccessible, unobtainable, unprocurable
- (in traditional Hindu society) considered ritually defiling to higher castes
"The untouchable status of certain groups in India has been officially abolished"
- A person or thing that cannot be affected, influenced, or defeated
"The champion boxer was an untouchable in his prime"
- [offensive, archaic] Belongs to lowest social and ritual class in India
"The untouchable activist fought for equal rights";
- Harijan, Dalit
Derived forms: untouchables
See also: impermissible, impure, inviolable, invulnerable, irrefrangible, unavailable, unclean
Type of: castaway, Ishmael, outcast, pariah
Encyclopedia: Untouchable