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Noun: resource  'ree,sors or 'ree,zors [N. Amer], ri'zors or ri'sors or 'ree,sors [Brit]
  1. Available source of wealth; a new or reserve supply that can be drawn upon when needed
  2. A source of aid or support that may be drawn upon when needed
    "the local library is a valuable resource"
  3. The ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems
    "a man of resource";
    - resourcefulness, imagination
Verb: resource  'ree,sors or 'ree,zors [N. Amer], ri'zors or ri'sors or 'ree,sors [Brit]
  1. Provide with or obtain resources

Derived forms: resourced, resources, resourcing

Type of: asset, assets, cleverness, ingeniousness, ingenuity, inventiveness, plus

Encyclopedia: Resource